How To Be Brilliant In The Basics!

personal development Aug 11, 2020

As a motivational speaker, author, trainer and expert communication coach with a corporate background, I bring over 30 years of knowledge, skills, expertise and experience as a speaker and trainer for Fortune 500 companies.  I have trained thousands of people from around the world and dealt with company presidents, business owners, executives, managers, supervisors and factory workers, just to name a few.  And I have discovered that whether you are a beginning speaker, a professional or seasoned speaker, presentation skills are essential. Great presentation skills move you from success to significance.  They have helped me to make a positive difference in my life and in the lives of others, personally and professionally. To become a great speaker and communicator, you must become “brilliant in the basics!”  

This is what has distinguished my speaking career.  My focus is communication, and all of my messages are educational, inspirational, transformational and motivational! I have learned that “if the only tool that you have in your toolkit is a hammer, you have a tendency to think that everything is a nail.” The purpose of this article is to give you some additional tools that you can use when you are consulting with your clients.  Whether you are giving a speech, motivating and bringing the best out of others, negotiating a contract or dealing with decision-makers, powerful presentation skills will ensure your success.  I have learned that in giving a speech it is critical to be clear, concise and confident.  Here are the four P’s that will help you in presenting as a public speaker.

Purpose:  You want to know the message that you will deliver to your audience before you say yes.  What is the purpose of your message?  Is it to educate, to inspire, to transform or to motivate? 

Preparation:  As a public speaker and a professional, you need to be well read and fully prepared. Find out as much as you can about your audience before you speak.  Gather the necessary information.  What are the challenges that they are having in their companies?  Are they laying off people? What is the demographic information? How diverse is your audience?  Learn as much as you can about the company, organization, and the individuals to whom you will be speaking.  Do your homework!  I have learned that “there is no shortcut to success!”


Positivity: Make sure that your message is positive and upbeat! Solution and results-oriented.  Make sure that you have given your audience the steps they need to bring their company goals to fruition. 

Practice: You want to practice your presentation several times before you present it to your audience/clients.  “Practice brings about improvement.  You can always better your best!”  To ensure your success, record yourself on your smartphone and you can do an audio or video recording of your presentation. This helps you to hear and see what your audience is going to hear and see.  Present in front of family and friends and other professionals who can evaluate you.

What many of my clients say to me when I suggest recording or videotaping is that they can’t stand to listen to themselves speak.  Initially, they have been hesitant but when they apply this principle the results have been positive and profitable for them and for their clients.  Dr. Dawna Jones, MD, a specialist in women’s medicine, attended my seminar entitled, “How To Give A Powerful Presentation!” and wanted to prepare for an upcoming lecture. She left ready to apply my instructions saying, “I felt empowered! Confident to give my upcoming lecture.  I am excited about what I was able to learn and can incorporate right away!” As I always share with my clients, Bonus From Jonas, “If you cheat yourself in your preparation it will show up in your presentation!”

I teach that everyone has a neon sign on his or her forehead that says, “What’s in it for me?”  And unfortunately, what I have seen in many cases is that some speakers focus only on what is in it for the speaker.  Instead, tell your audience what is in it for them immediately and how you can help them achieve their dreams, their goals and their aspirations.  It is imperative that you listen very attentively to what they are saying because in most cases, they will reveal the areas where they are hurting. Studies indicate that 60% of communication is listening carefully with empathy to build rapport and to start a positive professional relationship.  The remaining 40% of communication is when the speaker speaks. I have also learned that people are not motivated by our reasons, but by theirs only.  So, the question is, “What motivates them?”

I also emphasize that there are two kinds of speakers.  The first one walks in the room with the attitude, “Here I am!” They usually  are arrogant, self-centered, and egotistical.  They send a negative message that says, “You are so privileged that I decided to stop by to sell you something that you don’t even need!”

You don’t want to be this kind of speaker. This kind of speaker loses the business and brightens up the room when they leave.

The second type of speaker enters the room with an enthusiastic, high energy, positive attitude that says, “There You are! I am so fortunate and privileged that you have given me this unique opportunity to help you with your situation.”  You want to exemplify this positive attitude, posture and spirit when you are presenting to any and every audience.  This kind of speaker gets the business; and they brighten up the room when they come in! 

If you want to be “brilliant in the basics” then follow these principles to achieve success!  My Motto Is: “Since Greatness Is Possible Excellence Is Not Enough! Go For Greatness!”

Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM known as “Mr. Enthusiastic!” is President and CEO of Partners for Purposeful Living LLC in Beaufort, South Carolina.  He has re-launched his expert coaching online consulting practice: Mastering Your Message – “How To Give A Powerful Presentation!” and invites you to get your free gift, an eBook with his 7 C’s of Effective Communication. It ensures that you deliver your vision, value and voice in every public speaking opportunity and become a speaker that your audience wants to hear, faster! Go (585)703-9547.



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