Our transformational online curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed.
Do you need a training to help you master your trade, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?
We’ve built an online training curriculum that provides you with the benefits of live training, but without the constraints.

Partners For Purposeful Living offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time—and grow on your own time. We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos. Which means the trainings won’t just engage you; they’ll also change you.
You’ll become more knowledgeable, more capable, and more confident after going through our training. The skills you’ll learn will last you—and benefit you—for a lifetime.
Furthermore, we’ve worked hard to make our content is both easy to understand and easy to implement. All our trainings are broken into bite-sized lessons, which walk you through step-by-step until you complete the entire online curriculum.
Think about it…
There’s never been a better time in history to grow your skillset and mindset, since there’s never been a time in history when world-class training was so accessible! The internet has changed everything. The doors to growth, opportunity, and success are wide open. And so now is the time to train.
Speaker Training
Go from nervous novice to public speaking pro with our pro speaker training.
Partners for Purposeful Living teaches you how to speak confidently and effectively to small groups as well as large audiences. We help you create unforgettable sound bites and deliver winning messages.
You’ll gain the indispensable skills you need to succeed as a speaker, including:
- How to Be Comfortable, Confident, and Captivating on Stage
- 5 Guaranteed Ways to Be a Memorable Speaker
- How to Engage an Audience with Humor and Warmth
- The Business of Professional Public Speaking
- The Great Speech Formula

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
Mastering Your Message: "How To Give A Powerful Presentation!" - Written by Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM
This eBook is one of Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM most popular publications available
as a free download.
We Need To Hear Your Voice, Your Value and Your Vision!
By Implementing the 7 C's of Effective Communication Become A More Confident Speaker So Others Want To Listen.
What People Are Saying:

Dr. Dawna L. Jones, MD
"When Dr. Jones completed my seminar, she said that she was “empowered, confident to give her
upcoming lecture and was excited about what she had learned and could incorporate right away!”
Using the powerful communication skills that I taught her, she gave a very persuasive speech and was pleased with the outcome. And she wanted me to continue to coach her!"

Dr. Willie Jolley,
Motivational Speaker & Author
“I met Dr. Jonas Gadson at the National Speakers Association a number of years ago and when I first met him and he greeted me, I knew there was something special about this man! He was beyond upbeat and enthusiastic! He was like a stick of dynamite wrapped up in human skin! I have continued to watch him over the years, as he has gone from an outstanding career in corporate America with Xerox Corporation and Eastman Kodak Company to become a professional speaker and then speaking and training for major organizations around the country. I then have watched him as he got his doctorate degree, sharing his message of faith and possibility thinking to audiences around the world. Now he shares his message in many venues such as in his coaching programs and in his book.”

Dr. Dale Chanaiwa,
"I have attended numerous conferences, workshops, seminars and training sessions conducted by Dr. Jonas Gadson. I see why he is known as “Mr. Enthusiastic!” I am in awe at how he always exceeds at delivering powerful, positive and purposeful presentations that are always resounding, relevant, and rewarding! His great new book is out, “How To Fly Like An Eagle With Wings Like A Wimp!” I highly recommend you to book him as your next Keynote Speaker, Leadership Trainer, or Motivational Speaker! I guarantee that you will never be the same!"

Catch up with all the latest news and information from Partners For Purposeful Living.

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